Holladay United Church of Christ

Worship With Us


Open & Affirming

Compassionate Action

In our effort to be faithful to our understanding of the implications of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we affirm that God loves all humankind—people of all genders, ages, races, ethnic origins, religious backgrounds, physical and mental abilities and sexual orientations.  We seek to be inclusive, accepting all who would join in a pilgrimage of faith with us as we seek the meaning of mercy, justice and compassion in living our lives in this place and at this time.

Great Salt Lake

Creation Justice

Nature Nuture

As stewards we have a responsibility to be caretakers of Creation. Getting out into nature, really experiencing it firsthand (not just through books, movies, or our kitchen windows) develops an appreciation that leads to taking action to protect it. This ministry team will offer field trip opportunities to enjoy nature in the mountains, along the rivers, and in the wetlands, and put you in touch with service opportunities.


Community & Compassionate Action

Get Involved

Compassionate Action helps us be the hands that extend God’s extravagant welcome in our world.  Compassionate Action begins with a desire to see as God sees – to see our interconnected nature that comes from all creation as equally sacred unique reflections of God’s image.

Compassionate Action extends God’s unconditional welcome through volunteer service and financial support that helps ensure basic needs are met and dignity upheld.

No matter who you are or where
you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.

Sunday Reflections

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Fifth Sunday after EpiphanyFishingRev. Brent Gundlah First Reading (Isaiah 6:1-13/NRSVUE)Gospel Reading (Luke 5:1-11/NRSVUE) I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: all of those dates and names of people and places in the Bible (you know, “in the year that King...

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Fourth Sunday after EpiphanyTruth to PowerRev. Brent Gundlah First Reading (First Corinthians 13:1-13/NRSVUE)Gospel Reading (Luke 4:21-30/NRSVUE) I’m not naive enough to believe that you’ll agree with or appreciate or like everything I have to say, but can you at...

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Third Sunday after EpiphanyConnectionsRev. Brent Gundlah First Reading (First Corinthians 12:12-3a/NRSVUE)Gospel Reading (Luke 4:14-21/NRSVUE) In my younger days, I was a reasonably serious runner. I wasn’t terribly fast, mind you, but I was disciplined about actually...

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Second Sunday after EpiphanyGiftsRev. Brent Gundlah First Reading (1 Corinthians 12:1-11/NRSVUE)Gospel Reading (John 2:1-11/NRSVUE) As you might imagine, during my time as a pastor, I’ve had the privilege of officiating a few weddings. While I might not have done as...

Sunday, January 12, 2025

First Sunday after EpiphanyThe Baptism of ChristRev. Brent Gundlah First Reading (Isaiah 60:1-6, NRSVUE)Gospel Reading (Matthew 2:1-12, NRSVUE) One autumn a few years ago I got in the habit of eating a salad a couple of days a week for lunch. I wish I could say that...

Sunday, January 5, 2024

Second Sunday of ChristmastideThe EpiphanyRev. Brent Gundlah First Reading (Isaiah 60:1-6, NRSVUE)Gospel Reading (Matthew 2:1-12, NRSVUE) The Chiesa del Gesù, the Church of Jesus, is located in the center of Rome. Founded in the mid-16th century, it is the home of the...

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Fourth Sunday in AdventLoveRev. Brent Gundlah First Reading (Micah 5:2-5a/NRSVUE)Gospel Reading (Luke 1:39-55/NRSVUE) I will freely admit that I’m a lousy cook. And the biggest reason for this is that I’m kind of impatient, and always have been; I just don't do idle...

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Second Sunday in AdventPeaceRev. Brent Gundlah First Reading (Malachi 3:1-4/NRSVUE)Gospel Reading (Luke 3:1-6/NRSVUE I see all sorts of things from up here — and one of them was your eyes glazing over as you listened to all those names of obscure people and places in...

Sunday, December 1, 2024

First Sunday in Advent"Hope"Communion SundayRev. Brent Gundlah First Reading (Jeremiah 33:14-16 / NRSVUE)Gospel Reading (Luke 21:25-36/NRSVUE For our entire childhoods, my sister and I were the only grandkids on my Mom’s side of the family which meant that, at...

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Reign of Christ"The Light of the Morning"Welcoming New MembersRev. Brent Gundlah Hey, so happy Reign of Christ Sunday everybody. Don’t feel bad if you didn’t get me anything because I didn’t get you anything either; it’s just not that kind of holiday. But it is an...


Interfaith Advocacy Day at the Utah Legislature

All Are invited for a morning of learning, listening, advocating and community. Although the formal RSVP date has passed, please feel free to attends this event.  It's important that we stand with our progressive faith siblings to advocate for justice and mercy for...

Holladay Preschool Fundraiser 2025

Holladay Preschool's Family Fundraiser February 28, 2025 • 5:30 PM Adults $18 - Child $10 Hello HUCC churchgoers! Please join us "under the sea" for  Holladay Preschool’s Family Fundraiser on February 28th at the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium.  Bring...


As a community of faith we seek to challenge and transform the world, beginning with ourselves, and to celebrate the image of God in every person and in all creation.


Responding to God’s love, we gather to be a healing, authentic, and empowered community who, through worship, education, fellowship and compassionate action, extend God’s extravagant welcome in the world.

Core Values

We courageously embrace innovation and open minded conversation, where inclusion is expected and people of all walks of life are welcomed and encouraged to seek God and progress on their own spiritual journeys.