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Compassionate Action
Compassionate Action helps us be the hands that extend God’s extravagant welcome in our world. Compassionate Action begins with a desire to see as God sees – to see our interconnected nature that comes from all creation as equally sacred unique reflections of God’s image.
Compassionate Action ministry builds our ability to extend and receive God’s extravagant welcome in our daily life through training opportunities, classes, discussion groups and special events.
Compassionate Action Area Meetings: first (Tuesday) of the month at 7 pm with rotation of the areas of: Poverty and Need, Open and Affirming, Environmental Stewardship, and Education and Empowerment. Anyone with an interest in these areas is encouraged to attend as we build Compassionate Action into our lives, church, community and world.
At Holladay UCC we embrace the definition of Compassion as defined by the Compassionate Action Network International:
Compassion is the recognition that all beings are profoundly interconnected, such that the joys and sufferings of one are the joys and sufferings of all, with a corresponding commitment to appreciate and treat with respect all individuals as we ourselves would want to be treated – even and especially when we find it difficult to do so – and to alleviate suffering when and where we encounter it.
Holladay UCC encourages all members and friends to read and affirm the Charter for Compassion at and to engage compassionate action at Holladay UCC and in one’s daily life. To browse commitments to compassionate action made by the on-line community go to:
Socializing, Serving, Learning
HUCC Small Groups
Holladay United Church of Christ offers activities for all ages. These small groups offer an opportunity to connect, enrich and serve. Pick the group or groups that are right for you and get involved! How will you be enriched today?

Operation Sandwich
Contribute a substantial part of the dinner meal served to the homeless and hungry by the St.Vincent DePaul Center in Salt Lake City by making ~ 400 hearty sandwiches once a month and helping serve that meal at the Center.