Children’s Ministry
We stand for Love in Action. Our Christian community partners with people of all ages to act upon their love for self, others, and divine mystery. HUCC is progressive, open-minded, and LGBTQ+ affirming.
What to expect in person:
Worship starts at 10 a.m. A greeter will give you a bulletin and help you find a name tag and a place to sit. If you arrive five minutes early, your child is welcome to volunteer to help light the candle at the start of worship.
Sunday School is taking a break for summer. When Sunday School resumes a volunteer will tell a story for the children to illustrate, followed by check-in time for the children to get to know each other. After the sermon time, the children will be brought back into the sanctuary to sit on the steps with Pastor Brent for a short chat, then return to sit with their parents. Once worship is over, there are refreshments and a place to play in the fellowship hall.
We offer complimentary child care during worship for young children (ages 0-3) in our staffed church nursery.
Watch Tidings for outdoor events and activities for kids, youth, and families this summer!
We look forward to getting to know you!